Effective Mortgage Sales Scripts to Help Close More Deals

Effective Mortgage Sales Scripts to Help Close More Deals

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The mortgage industry is highly competitive, and, as a loan officer, it is important that you stay one step ahead of your competition to achieve the success you are looking for. One way to do that is to create a winning set of mortgage sales scripts that effectively guide a prospect through the mortgage process to convert mortgage leads into customers and referrals.

Here, we look at mortgage sales scripts, how they can greatly benefit your business, and some examples of scripts that work.

If your mortgage sales numbers are dropping and you are looking for a fresh way to give them a boost, revamping or adding mortgage sales scripts may be just what your business needs to increase your conversions and reach your goals.

Key Takeaways

  • Mortgage sales scripts can greatly benefit loan officers by increasing quality conversions, building confidence, improving customer service, increasing sales revenue and productivity, and providing a competitive advantage.
  • Effective mortgage sales scripts have components such as determining the lead’s needs, answering questions, addressing objections, and asking for business directly.
  • Personalizing scripts, asking the right questions, being flexible, and tracking results are tips to maximize the effectiveness of mortgage sales scripts.
  • Good Vibes Squad Mortgage Sales Training can provide additional closing secrets to help boost sales skills and business growth.

Benefits of mortgage sales scripts

Mortgage sales scripts are an effective way for loan officers to talk with leads and prospects that can help convert them into customers. Utilizing mortgage sales scripts provide a wealth of benefits that can include:

  • Increased quality conversions: The right mortgage script helps you better understand the needs of your leads, allowing you the ability to meet those needs.
  • Helps build confidence: Making cold calls is no one’s favorite thing to do, but following a regular script helps to build confidence, keeps conversations focused, and allows you to increase efficiency.
  • Improved customer service: Following the appropriate script for each occasion helps to ensure that you are providing your lead or customer with all the information they need at the time.
  • Increased sales revenue: Using mortgage sales scripts to boost your lead conversion helps to increase your sales revenue.
  • Increased productivity: Following a quality script ensures you are asking the right questions and providing your leads with the necessary information the first time.
  • A competitive advantage: If you aren’t already using mortgage scripts, chances are your competition is. Creating and using the right mortgage script will help keep you competitive and can even make you rise above the competition.

Components of an effective mortgage sales script

An effective mortgage sales script puts the needs of the lead, customer, or referral first. While no sales script is the same, some specific components are necessary to create an effective script.

  • Determine the need: The first step of any good mortgage script is to determine the needs of your contact. This can be achieved by asking open-ended questions that open the door for them to respond and really tell you what they are looking for.
  • Answer questions: Once you know their needs, you need to be prepared to answer any questions they may have.
  • Address any possible objections: If your contact has objections to any part of your service or conversation, it is important to show them how your company can meet their needs and convince them to move forward with you.
  • Ask for business directly: Always close the mortgage sales script by asking for their business and providing them with the next step they need to take in the process.

Mortgage sales script examples

As a loan officer, there are a variety of different sales calls you will make over the course of a day or week.

Are you calling a new lead or maybe a previous client about a refinance? Are you looking for referrals in order to grow your leads, or are you hoping to network with other industry professionals in order to boost business?

Creating scripts for all these opportunities can help improve efficiency and ensure you are asking the right questions and providing the right answers.

1. New mortgage lead

You would use these scripts when you reach out to a new lead for the first time. You want to put your best first forward in a short, informational script that asks about their goals and explains how your company can meet those goals. With a new mortgage lead, you are likely to have both a first-contact call and a follow-up call. Let’s take a look at some examples of both.

First contact

First impressions are everything. For a first contact to be successful, a lead/prospect should feel like they know exactly who you are and how you can help them. 

Hi [name]!

My name is [name] and I am a loan officer with [company name]. I understand that you may be looking for a mortgage and I wanted to introduce myself. I’ve been in the business [X] years and I love what I do. I’d like to find out more about what you are looking for, what your timeframe for buying a home may be, and what I can do to help make your home-buying process a little easier.

Follow up

As most loan officers know, following up is key to preventing pipeline bloat. 

Hi [name]!

This is [name] from [company name]. How’s the home search going? I’ve got some time this afternoon or tomorrow morning for me to answer any questions you might have about the mortgage process. I know it can all be a little overwhelming, but I’m here to support you each step of the way. What time works better for you?

Note: It may seem counterintuitive, but the key to a good follow up is NOT mentioning “following up” or “checking in.” These sales words signal to the prospect that the conversation is focused on your needs rather than hearing about theirs. 

2. Refinance lead

Reaching out to previous customers to inquire about a possible refinance is another way loan officers can bring in new business.

Hello [name]!

This is [name] with [company]. It was great seeing you reach your ownership goals back on [date of closing] and I hope you have been enjoying your new home. How is your rate treating you? If you’re curious about refinancing your mortgage at a lower rate, I’d be happy to help explore some new options to make sure you’re getting the best out of your home. 

3. Responding to an information request

Oftentimes, your initial contact with a lead may be from a request for information through your website. In many cases, an automated response is immediately sent through email or text. This can be a great time to implement an information request script that thanks them for reaching out while answering their questions and providing relevant information.


Hi [name],

Thank you for reaching out regarding our mortgage services. We are happy to provide more information about the loans and services that are available to you. You can find answers to many common questions at the links provided below. We look forward to talking with you and helping you navigate your home-buying journey!

4. For earning referrals

Referrals are often the best source of new leads for loan officers. Following a script with previous clients and asking for referrals is a great way to grow your referral base.


Hi [name],

This is [name] with [company]. I really enjoyed handing over the keys to your new home back on {date of a previous closing}. Helping people like you achieve their goals of home ownership is the best part of my job! Perhaps you know a family member, friend, or colleague who is also looking to buy a home? I would love to be able to help them qualify and get the keys to their new home so they can experience the joys of ownership too!

5. For building professional referral relationships

Partnering with other professionals, such as real estate agents, is a great way to gain leads and increase business.


Hi [name],

My name is [name] and I am a loan officer with [business name]. I handle an average of [number] mortgages each year and I believe I can help your clients with their goals. Perhaps we could meet for lunch and discuss the possible benefits we could offer each other. How does next week sound? 

Real estate professional working with a client

Tips to maximize your script to drive mortgage sales

When you are creating your mortgage sales scripts, there are some key things to keep in mind in order to help maximize their effectiveness.

Personalize your scripts

Personalize your scripts whenever possible. Use a client’s name and include personalized information when you can, such as the date of a previous closing. These additions to a script are a great way to connect with your lead or client and work to build and nurture a long-term relationship.

Ask the right questions

A quality mortgage sales script is designed to help you determine what your client needs and offer ways to meet their needs. In order to do this, you need to be sure you are asking the right questions and providing the answers they are looking for.

Be flexible

People can sometimes be unpredictable. Try your best to stick to the mortgage sales script but try not to come off across as robotic. Use it as a tool to keep the conversation on track but stay flexible and approachable. 

Track the results

Tracking how well a particular script works is essential. This allows you to see what is working and what isn’t and make the changes necessary to improve your existing scripts. Conversion is a numbers game that requires understanding the data. 

The right script can make all the difference

Utilizing mortgage sales scripts allows loan officers to plan conversations with leads and clients, helping to ensure they are asking the right questions and providing the necessary answers. This helps to organize your conversation and nurture client relationships. A strong set of mortgage sales scripts can greatly boost your lead generation and conversions while also greatly increasing your bottom line.

When your sales skills need a new edge

If you are still struggling to boost your numbers and, despite adding sales scripts, you still struggle to make the necessary connections, Good Vibes Squad Mortgage Sales Training can help you learn additional closing secrets that will have a substantial impact on your conversions and business growth.

Ready for a stream of exclusive, qualified leads and a proven marketing system that converts leads into lifelong clients? Schedule a call today!

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